Whether you are buying flash drives in UK, the EU or anywhere in the world, there are some things that are intrinsic to the product. For starters, the memory capacity of each of the flash drives you order is important. For those who really need it, flash drive memory sticks capacities are as high as 64 GB today. One of the most popular sizes we stock are 2gb... enough space to store a reasonable amount of data whilst at the same time does not break the bank when you order them.
Memory Chip Quality is Paramount.
The higher the memory power you opt for, the more you need to look into the quality of the chips that are used to create this memory. Go on the industry evaluation. Grade A is the best you can buy. The vendor will easily be able to give you this information. This is not information that you will find on the brand website. The lower the quality of the chip, the more chances you have of running into trouble. While these may look very attractive in terms of price, they will rarely serve your purpose. More often than not, they are easily affected by viruses and tend to need to smallest excuse to stop functioning efficiently. We only sell grade A chips!
The next question is which USB does one go in for? The 2 latest options are – the USB 2.0 and the USB 3.0. if you have to make a choice, its best to opt for the USB 2.0 because it is compatible with the earlier versions. While USB 3.0 is available, it is rather expensive and only very high-end computers if any can support all the features they offer. USB 1.x is best avoided if you can afford the next version.
Compliance with UK and EU Regulations.
Since the UK comes under the EU, (at least until we trigger article 50) you will need to know about the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). When you meet your vendor, ask them if the components forming the USB drive you are ordering are RoHS compliant. This means that they should be free of harmful and hazardous substances. If found wanting, you will also be held liable along with your vendor. All of our USB’s are RoHS compliant!
For those companies that fall under the WEEE directive, it is also essential that you find out from your vendor if at least 65% of the components of the USB are recyclable. We are one of the USB flash drive suppliers in the UK that offer ALL PRODUCTS in compliance with RoHS and WEEE standards.
There is a lot to think about when ordering any item in bulk. Here at USB Trader we are happy to help in any way we can to assure you that our products are of the highest quality.
If you have any questions about what to look for when sourcing printed USB drives in the UK then you can speak directly with one of our sales representatives freephone on 0800 458 9085, or email us at sales@usbtrader.com